Wednesday, November 16, 2005

IMCPL is cool, can you believe it?

About a week ago, I requested that our local library purchase the Denyse Schmidt quilt book everyone's been talking about on the craft blogs.

Look what I found today!

Now, I'm not a total ego-maniac. Probably lots of people requested this (someone put it on hold before me--blast them!)...but they listen; they really listen!!!


Anonymous said...

Would you mind putting in a request for The Modern Quilts Workshop by Bill Kerr and Weeks Ringle? You seem to have the magic touch! lol (I checked... I guess we didn't request the same book after all.)

I hope you'll let me take a peek at yours when it comes your way!

خدمات منزلية said...

شركة عزل اسطح بابها
شركة تسليك مجاري بخميس مشيط
شركة تسليك مجاري بجازان
شركة كشف تسربات المياه بالباحة
شركة كشف تسربات المياه بينبع
شركة تسليك مجاري بابها